Answers to Your Dental Questions at Sonrise Dental

At Sonrise Dental, we understand that you may have questions about dental care and our services. Our FAQs are here to provide you with clear, helpful information.

General Dental Care Queries

How often should I visit the dentist?

We recommend regular dental check-ups every six months. However, the frequency can vary depending on your specific dental health needs.

What should I do in case of a dental emergency?

In case of a dental emergency, contact our office immediately. We provide guidance on immediate steps to take and will arrange for urgent care if necessary.

Questions About Dental Treatments and Procedures

What are the options for teeth whitening?

We offer various teeth whitening options, including in-office treatments and take-home kits. Our team can help you choose the best method based on your preferences and dental health.

Are dental X-rays safe?

Yes, dental X-rays are safe. They are a vital tool for diagnosing dental issues. We use modern equipment that minimizes radiation exposure.

Insurance and Payment Inquiries

Do you accept dental insurance?

We accept most major dental insurance plans. Please contact our office with your insurance details so we can verify your coverage.

What if I don’t have dental insurance?

For patients without insurance, we offer various payment options and financing plans to make dental care accessible.

Preparing for Your Dental Visit

How should I prepare for my first visit?

For your first visit, bring your dental insurance card, a list of medications you are taking, and any previous dental records you have.