Invisalign: The Clear Way to a Straighter Smile

Invisalign at Sonrise Dental offers a modern, discreet way to straighten your teeth. Our clear aligners are custom-made, providing a comfortable and effective treatment experience.

Why Choose Invisalign for Teeth Straightening?

Invisalign is an excellent choice because it:

  • Offers a nearly invisible way to align your teeth.
  • Allows for easier cleaning and eating compared to traditional braces.
  • Involves less discomfort and fewer office visits.

What Is the Invisalign Treatment Process?

The Invisalign treatment process involves:

  • A detailed consultation and digital scanning to create your custom aligners.
  • Wearing each set of aligners for about two weeks before switching to the next set.
  • Regular check-ins with your dentist to monitor progress.

How Long Does Invisalign Treatment Take?

  • The duration of Invisalign treatment varies, but typically:
  • Treatment can take anywhere from 6 to 18 months.
  • The exact time depends on the complexity of the case and how often the aligners are worn.